Thailand: Day 6 (Tiger Cave Temple)

25 May, 2018

Tiger Cave Temple

I was wearing shorts and a singlet and had to cover up. I thought I'd only have to do it at the top!! It was a ridiculously hot day! We arrive at the bottom and there are monkeys everywhere.

Apparently the Canadians brought some ice cream and all of the monkeys climbed on top of them and snatched it away! They said it was quite frightening but an experience. The monkeys are very cute.

There is a little cave that it seems you can walk into but it looks scary so we do not! Then the flight of stairs. My goodness! That was hard!

So many times I felt like giving up but knew I had to do it. After a few flights I gulped down some water but my stomach did not like it - I must have drank it too fast because I felt like vomiting it up. Rookie mistake.

There were people walking down backwards, I didn't understand until I came down myself - your legs are jelly by the time! We eventually made it. We did it! We actually did it.

The view was amazing. There were two scruffy as dogs up there. Though honesty, you were so worn out that you couldn't appreciate it that much.

The walk down was amazing. It felt so great. Passing people going down and up. Running down with joy. But then it hurts. And even going down is hard. Your legs are shaking. Everything is like jelly. You cling onto the railing because you don't want to fall to your death! It's so steep.

We reach the bottom and grab a well deserved drink. They had something like power aid and it was so good! We reach the van just in time. Stuffed as but glad we did it.

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